A year ago, and it seems like just yesterday.
The move to this new city in the midwest was complete and I had settled into the new location, the studio was mostly set up. There was nothing holding me back.
I decided I wanted to stop waiting and postponing.
I wanted to start doing the things I enjoyed, and do them on a regular basis. I wanted to begin sharing them with others, to learn from them and to give to others what I was learning.

So a year ago I took the plunge.
A year ago I submitted the first proposed article to Belle Armoire Jewelry (and to my delight, it was accepted).
A year ago I opened the first Etsy shop.
A year ago I started this blog, just 12 short months and 260+ posts to this blog ago.
(it was more posts, but some of the first ones were not that great, and some were no longer timely, so I've cleaned those up, you'll never miss them)
The move to this new city in the midwest was complete and I had settled into the new location, the studio was mostly set up. There was nothing holding me back.
I decided I wanted to stop waiting and postponing.
I wanted to start doing the things I enjoyed, and do them on a regular basis. I wanted to begin sharing them with others, to learn from them and to give to others what I was learning.

So a year ago I took the plunge.
A year ago I submitted the first proposed article to Belle Armoire Jewelry (and to my delight, it was accepted).
A year ago I opened the first Etsy shop.
A year ago I started this blog, just 12 short months and 260+ posts to this blog ago.

I've tried to be consistent in posting, to add new things regularly and to share subjects and topics that I thought were interesting.
I still try to bring new ideas, spotlight new creativity and highlight those creative adventurers who were before me in the 'Legendary JewelrymMakers' series.

To provide tutorials on fusing silver, and etching metal.
To provide a spotlight and focus on studio safety and health concerns in the process of being creative.
To provide a glimpse into my 'studio' and creative spaces.
And to identify and celebrate new talent, people who are forging new ways of expression and bringing new ideas into reality.
I'm grateful to those of you who have come along with me on the blog.
Mostly I'm grateful for the connections to people and ideas that this has given me, and the feeling of being part of a larger community. An opening door to people and opportunities to share.

A generous and enclosing circle of friends and internet neighbors that I wouldn't have enjoyed, if I hadn't made that first post to the blog, a year ago today.
So many new friends, so much change and growth. In just one year. I can't wait to see what the next year brings. And thanks! to all of you who have been on this journey with me so far.
Who knows what the future holds.
If this blog has given you something to think about, a new project to try or a new idea you hadn't thought of, post and let me know.
Put a comment on this post, I'll pick a random number and there'll be a giveaway - it's a surprise gift for my blog-iversary! Celebrate with me!
Thanks for sharing this Lynn. I so enjoyed these little pictures in your post today! I love the Monopoly card. So cool!!
Anniversaries are so awesome. You've accomplished so much in such a small amount of time! You go girl!! I'm so glad I know you....
I love reading your blog every day! Many of your posts have triggered ideas in my own work, especially in chain/wirework.
One year, huh?! That's a great milestone, and I'm so glad to have this way to keep up with your crafty artsy fartsy projects!!
Congratulations on your anniversary!!! I so enjoy your blog and all the creative pieces you make. You're one of my fav's. I've put you on my blog list so I can share the wealth.
What an inspiring message! I'm so glad you made the leap a year ago and I was able to find you :) Happy 1 year!
Happy Blog-iversary. Lynn! I just started following your blog several weeks ago. Thanks for your frequent posts!
Lynn, I enjoy your blog and I love your creations! Congratulations on a year of bliss.
thanks for letting me know you find something useful, or entertaining, or even just curious on these bloggings - sometimes it feels as though I'm talking to myself and it's so nice to know (through your comments or suggestions, jokes or questions) that there really are people, friends dropping by and reading
Here are some statistics just to make me feel like something is actually happening here:
Since 10/23/2007 -
3,476 visitors and 5,340 returning visitors to the blog
16,870 pageviews
3 minutes average on site
8,816 visits from 73 countries
7,599 from the United States
lynndavis.etsy.com - 467 Hearts
expeditionD.etsy.com - 352 Hearts
your encouragement and notes to me in the comments and replies mean so much!!!
Oh, happy blogiversary, Lynn! And happy anniversary to renewing your business and pleasure pursuits. (:
I agree with Lorelei - I really love that Monopoly card. I also love the warning label about idle hands - I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to make that my CPU background. Positive messages to jump-start my creative juices!
To be honest, I was surprised to read that you've only really been at this for a year. I suppose a year could be considered "a long time," but your blog entries, Etsy shop and the things you produce all give an impression that you've been doing this for many, many years.
Cheers to all your accomplishments!
Happ Blogiversary Lynn,
I discovered you a couple of weeks ago and immediately felt a kindred spirit in reading your blogs. It's cool to read a blogger who has been where you've been and has done similar things and is from your native state. Way to go girl. Keep those blogs coming -- You are not talking to yourself as long as I have an internet connection.
Wow! A year! It is amazing how fast a year can be. I've really enjoyed seeing yet another amazing artists techniques and inspirations. Thanks for all your wisdom!
Thanks for celebrating with me! I don't usually keep track of time passing but this time it seemed useful to do a check on where I started ... and whether I've actually made progress, since I work in solitude almost always, it's tough to be a good judge on how things are coming.
Mostly I like to see that I'm not boxing myself into something and repeating myself too much, that I'm still trying new things and being willing to make many, many mistakes and have lots of failures and sometimes even disasters! What I hope is that when you look at the little charms or jewelry, you are able to think 'that's one of her pieces' no matter how different the media or design. That would mean lots to me!!
Miss Lynn- I have just discovered your blog of late and I really feel connected to your passion and your desire to do that which you most wish to do...to not waste another minute doing things you don't absolutely love...to try new things and forge new paths...to share your expertise with others and learn new things...I will be checking back frequently because I believe that there is inspiration all around...that the doors of opportunity are always opening but we need to have the courage to walk through them. Here is my favorite quote to inspire you..."Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." Enjoy the day! Erin Prais-Hintz, Tesori Trovati Jewelry
Congratulations Lynn! You are a thoughtful person and I hope your creativity soars even more now that you are so "experienced"! ;o)
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