Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Purpose of Life is ....

What do you think is the best way to express your purpose of life? I've been thinking about that a lot lately, as things stay the same and yet constantly change around me.

I've been away from the blog for several months now, but I haven't been idle in real life, of course.

I wonder, though, if what I'm up to will be of any interest to anyone to read about here?

Gardening - planting seeds, taking care of the plants.
Learning how to cook using the things I'm growing in the garden.

Making homemade yogurt.
The regular, routine things.

So I decided just to go for it, to write about what's going on, what I'm learning and what's working or not working.

Many of the followers came here to see what I was creating with the jewelry components. Lately, life has been so full, I have not been very active in that area. So some folks may not care about the other things I'm doing.

But maybe some will.

Never know unless I start, right?

And one thing is for sure - the non-posting to the blog is definitely not interesting! Having a blog is like having a mini-magazine, in some ways. Publishing information, sharing it publicly. Some blogs are primarily about one thing. Maybe it's cooking and recipes, or gardening and vegetables. Maybe it's art and techniques, or how to use certain materials.

I think this blog is evolving.

It is about creativity.

Living creatively.

Thinking about creative ways to do things, solve problems.

So, watch this space.

I will be talking about what I'm doing, which will likely involve creativity in some way, and solutions or problems -- and probably both in equal parts.

And I hope to bring you along with me, if you are interested, too.


TesoriTrovati said...

I am happy to read your voice again Miss Lynn and had been wondering about you! I have taken an unplanned hiatus from blogging this month. At first I fretted about it. Now I am breathing deeper and knowing that when I have the words, and they will come again, that I will share. Hopefully soon. I will always follow you. Lead on! Enjoy the day. Erin

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Erin, I'm thrilled you are willing to come along for the ride. Sometimes a break in the action is just what's needed. And sometimes, it's just my excuse to be more active privately, not sharing like I should. Either way, I give myself permission to do what works at the time!
So thanks for stopping by and validating me and my new adventure - or another chapter of the same adventure!