Making new molds today, to create new focal items. Have been making sketches all week on napkins, on notebooks and everywhere to preserve the ideas as they come. Will share some photos of the process.

The buffer is ready to put a polished sheen on the pieces.

The dremel is there in the background for drilling, cutting and polishing.

The pieces look like lumps of coal at first, baked and blackened. Like they were dipped in tar, down into every crevice and corner.
My left hand, the hand that holds the pieces, is the same. Fingernails embedded with dark color. But no reason to clean up now, until this stage ends.
Highlighted with silver, gold and topaz to embed the color in strategically.
The pasta machine and roller, ceramic tile and plastic grid are ready on the rolling file beside me. Odd how much of the equipment for creating the pieces are equally at home in the kitchen, but

Next comes the scrubbing and sanding to enhance and smooth the surface, using an old tupperware bread container to hold the water.
Having hands in the water to scrub and sand will help remove the dark embedded under the fingernails.
A process with numerous steps, the pieces change and take on their individuality during the process.
Beginning as an idea or thought, they develop a reality of their own that emerges under my hands.
It's fun to watch them become finished, and to let the ideas form for what they will be part of and be worn.
oh, i love looking at peeks into studios and work spaces, thanks for sharing the link!
Heather! Hi, obviously I'm from the school that creativity is messy! Lynn
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