Monday, October 27, 2008

Swapping and Charming

A quick update - we who are in the charm / clasp / bead swap are preparing our goodies to send in, for photographs and distribution! I'm putting together the packages as soon as they come in, and slipping in some extras and some special treats. More about it soon.

In the meantime, I went ahead and broke my book diet and got the book 'A Charming Exchange' and I just love it. It's impressively full of good stuff, and very inspiring. I did interviews for the Art Bead Scene blog for both Catherine Witherell and Deryn Mentock, who were participants in the swaps that led to the projects featured and showcased in the book.
Here are some links to check out reviews - both good - of the book and get your interest going.
Ruth Rae has a blog, and so does Kelly Snelling. Pop over and check those out, too. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn! I just saw this post after being away. Glad you liked the book!

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Deryn, I will be posting some photos later this week of your use of my bronze lovebird bead - it's fabulous!