I've been thinking a lot lately. Here I go, sharing some of those random thoughts with you.
I make year-end resolutions, after thinking about the time that's past, and the fresh new year ahead.
I'm thinking about how to measure things.
For recipes, there are wet measuring cups and dry ones, and you should use the correct measure to get the results you want.
Is there a similar situation in life? Does how we measure things make a difference, a change in the outcome?
Is there a recipe book for success?
For fulfillment?

I'm thinking about how to measure things.
For recipes, there are wet measuring cups and dry ones, and you should use the correct measure to get the results you want.
Is there a similar situation in life? Does how we measure things make a difference, a change in the outcome?
Is there a recipe book for success?
For fulfillment?
Those two things aren't always the same thing, I think.
I enjoy the blog and writing about what's on my mind at the time. It's sometimes a little random. The series about 'Legendary Jewelrymakers' when I find someone's work that inspires. A tutorial or two - I hope to do more series of tutorials next year. Mentioning folks that I find inspiring, whether on Etsy or other places, to share how creativity is a gift that's meant to be given away and cherished.
Do you notice that I try to match up my post topic with Etsy favorites that mirror the theme? I've found some wonderful talent on Etsy that way, I hope you have, too.

I've stretched my creativity and learned many new things. Last year at this time I didn't have a torch and had never fused fine silver, just one example. Something new and fun that I enjoy has been added to my toolbox. And etching copper, that's something I had not done until this summer, and always wanted to learn.

And if you have them, you know when you've arrived, when you cross one of them off the list.
Something to celebrate.
I didn't know if I could accomplish that, but I sent in proposed submissions and they were accepted!
If I measure by the number of new friends and connections to people through this blog and through the Etsy shops, it's been a fantastic year. So many of you I would not have known, or followed your progress as you have encouraged mine.
The replies and comments you post, the conversations you start on the blog posts, mean so much to me! It lets me know you are interested and what you are thinking, too.
The charm swap is one example of that, working together with other creative people, some I knew and some I met for the first time.
Rewarding in all ways you can imagine.
Measuring has always been on my mind. So I understand your plight. In fact one of my earliest etchings was a little drawing of a measuring tape with a slice of cake and 2 pieces of bacon. No, it wasn't about weight:)! It was about that intangible feeling of wanting to measure something...gosh anything.
Lynn, cheers to all the moments of creativity you held in your heart this year!
A measuring tape with cake and bacon sounds vivid imagery - did you ever do woodcuts? I did some years ago, they are time consuming but facinating!
And cheerio to you, Beth, for all the support and encouragement, I'm so happy I got a chance to know you better this year!
I loved to do woodcuts, but you're right very time consuming :) I stick to digital printmaking these days -- a lot less toxic.
Not to tempt you back into woodcut printing, but there is now a new type of acrylic paint that is extended and doesn't dry so quickly.
I'm doing some monoprints using it, on glass.
I didn't know they had developed this product. How cool! I love mono-prints too :)
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