I finished polishing some new heart designs last night. There are certain parts of making the beads I really enjoy, don't mind and will do over and over. Then there are some parts that are less favorite, so that task sometimes stacks up on me.
I enjoy making the shapes, applying the color and seeing the little beads come to life.
Less enjoyable is the sanding, buffing and polishing to get the shiny surface to come through. So last night I had a sanding and buffing session.
It's interesting, though, that I enjoy watching the polish and shine come up on the surface of the beads, once I get going on the buffing.
Here are a few safety rules for using the buffer, it's never a bad idea to repeat them. It's a power tool and safety is always a good idea. I tie back my hair, or put it up in a bandana scarf, and I don't wear any dangly jewelry when using the buffer. I put a flat basket backstop behind it to catch flying beads that get caught and go whizzing away. And I wear safety glasses (most of the time, anyway) in case anything gets loose and flies back at me.
These heart beads remind me of the cast enamel pans you see for canning, that smooth shiny translucent enamel, the kind you have to be careful with or it will chip. It reminds me of making jelly or preserves in the summertime, from fresh strawberries or peaches.
The color of old barns, painted and weatherworn. Driving through the country lanes in the summer with the car windows down, letting the scent of cut grass on the wind come in and fill the air.
Do they inspire any memories for you?
Those are just yummy colours! The green is just the colour of the enameled wash basin we had for camping when I was a child. I wonder where that basin is now?
Lynn, I just remembered. All morning I've been thinking what does that green remind me of? Vaseline glass. Your green has a glow a bit like that.
LeAnn, I'm not familiar with that kind of glass, is it like Depression glass? I was thinking of those enamel pans my grandmother had, and you had to be so careful because the enamel would chip off. Probably the same type pan you're thinking of too.
Your colors are so rich and inviting. Thanks for the buffing tool advice, I will be purchasing one soon. Although they are a bit intimidating looking, I know my beads will be all the better for it!
love your memories! I can see the old barns :)
Hi, Beth! As I was putting the color on in layers it just occurred to me - this looks like a weathered old red barn door!
Sharon, there's a whole other post on the blog about studio safety and especially the buffer if you want to find that - and it's good to be careful, but the payoff is definitely worth it.
Lynn, I'm not entirely sure when vasaline glass was made. I'm thinking it was the 40's and later. It is typically, a milky opaque green and you often see it in kitchen ware. It is just lovely and fairly common around here anyway. I will look to see if I can find you some photos.
Lynn, I just love these too! (I'm working backward on your blog as I've been driving 12 hours today!). I think they are so fantastic, they are marked as favorites. I wish I could buy all the things I want!!!!
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