So needless to say, I haven't been in the studio until today. And I haven't been very productive today yet. But there's always some time tonight, and hopefully all day tomorrow.
I did get the Artfest roller bag of supplies into the studio basement so I can start unpacking my tools. And I did get some posts lined up on the blog I created to commemorate the Artfest experience, keeping the excitement and the learning active and fresh. I hope tomorrow I'll be rested, energized and back in the creative groove. I have orders to make up and ship, and I have ideas to explore.

The only thing missing has been the time. Like time in a bottle, I wish I could save it, store it or grow it somehow; but it feels more like the sands of time in the hourglass, slipping away.
Lynn , I often feel this way....I try to remind myself of patience, but most of the time my mind never wants to slow down!
Lynn, I hope your day job lets up soon. I know how draining that can be on your creative time and creative spirit. Here's a little perk. The random draw on my give away was number 18. That's you! I've got a couple of special things in the kiln right now made up special for you! So email me your addy and Monday morning some goodies will be winging their way to you.
I hope I don't sound whiny about the day job, especially when so many people wish they had their day job back ... but the time spent there takes away any creative time and that makes me ... grumpy? Weary, maybe. Anyhow, I will carve out some time and exercise those creative mental muscles!
One thing I did get done was lining up a bunch of posts for the Artfest site, so I can get those photos I took up and visible and share them, I feel good about that.
Thanks, love surprises and goodies, YAY! Can't wait ...
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