Friday, July 10, 2009

How Do You Know

How do you know when you're tired, weary? I've had a few clues this week that I'm tired.

I intended to drive to the library to return some books, and I ended up somehow at my office, parking the car in the garage instead. Oops! I guess I'll try again after work.

I'm reading books by the mother-son writing team of Charles Todd. The books are set in Britain after WWI, about a soldier returning home to go back to Scotland Yard. Their hero is Inspector Ian Rutledge. There's an interview with the fictional character, very surprising.

I just walked into the library one afternoon and plucked the books off the shelf at random, not knowing anything about the authors or the stories. I like them, the characters are well developed and it's a period of history I don't know much about. Interesting.


SummersStudio said...

Oh I love mysteries. I will definitely have to check out this author. I haven't read them. BTW I like the idea of the swimming suit, t-shirt and personal evaporative cooling system! Just as long as nobody sees me in the swimming suit:)Lynn, take care of yourself. That is bone weary tired. I'm thinking restful thoughts for you, sending hugs, and wishing for a speedy conclusion of your office move.

TesoriTrovati said...

It sounds to me like you need a soul escape....a time just for you to recharge yourself away from the cares of the day. Weary is a good word. I have been feeling that same way now for weeks. I cannot get going and when I do there are a million hurdles to jump over. It happened again last night. I couldn't find what I wanted and I am so terribly disorganized that I cannot get myself going. So I had to stop and organize crystals in the snazzy new container I had. Now they are all pretty and color coordinated and at hand and contained, rather than all the baggies. I did manage to complete the task I set out to do. Now if I could just get some time to organize the rest of the mess! How much more productive I would be! And it is energizing when you are productive, to get yourself out of the doldrums.
Hang in there Miss Lynn! You do fabulous things but we all need to take a break every now and again. (Maybe I need to take my own advice!)
Enjoy the day! Erin

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Thanks, LeAnn. I giggled to myself a little remembering how I used to keep cool - put the fan sprinkler (the kind that rotates back and forth) underneath the chaise lounge you're sitting in! It tickles a little but it's cool!

If you like mysteries set in history, you will like these books. Check them out - and while you're at the library, tell them I'm coming to mine later! LOL!

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Erin, I haven't done anything in the studio all week, I'm getting withdrawal symptoms. Since I'm sort of responsible for some of the moving directions - that goes there, that's going away - I have to pay attention during the day even more than usual.

If you think moving your house is tricky, this is really amazingly complicated! I heard one of the movers in the elevator say to the other one, "This is controlled chaos, and more chaos than control" and he made me laugh!

EmandaJ said...

Hello Lynn,

I've been dealing with my own chaos for a long time now and I've started a support group to help me along the way. We end our meetings with a modified Prayer of St. Francis of Assissi:

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
<< (Here we add "Where there is chaos, order.)

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. AMEN"

The group and I really feel a completeness and a resignation in turning over our messes to someone so totally In Charge.

Do take care of yourself. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

The Joy of Nesting said...

Hi Lynn,

Yep I'm thinking you have a good case of the tires :( Hopefully the move goes off without to much unorganized chaos, and things get back to normal sooner then later! :)

Charles Todd sounds interesting I'll have to check our english library maybe I'll get lucky and they will have some. I think both LW and I would enjoy them. We are always in search of new mysteries. We didn't move down with a TV and haven't bothered to buy a new one so our reading replaces evening TV.

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.