In the evenings, after dinner and when the studio is closed down, I've been sitting out on the deck under the trees, reading a book until the twilight falls and I go indoors.

This time of year the walnut trees in the back yard are putting the finishing touches on their walnuts, then dropping them to the ground. On some days, the one that overhangs the deck makes it feel like bombs are dropping, as the walnut hulls fall, bounce and make me jump a foot!
Last evening I found evidence that the squirrels are enjoying the bounty. In fact, I suspect that some of the bombs are coming from the squirrels dropping the walnut hulls in hopes they will land heavily and pop open! I'll be lucky if I don't have one dropped right on my head! BONK!

I'm taking a break this afternoon from pouring resin and casting pewter to show a couple of the pieces I've made the last few days. I'm really enjoying the look of the resin, the way I've got it going now, and I just carved some decorative bezels so I can cast them in pewter.
Fingers crossed!

This medallion with the words "FLY UP" between two cast pewter wings is dual-purpose. It has loops at the end of the wings, for attaching to a necklace, and it has a pin back attached, for wearing as a brooch. I love multi-purpose jewelry.
This time of year the walnut trees in the back yard are putting the finishing touches on their walnuts, then dropping them to the ground. On some days, the one that overhangs the deck makes it feel like bombs are dropping, as the walnut hulls fall, bounce and make me jump a foot!
Last evening I found evidence that the squirrels are enjoying the bounty. In fact, I suspect that some of the bombs are coming from the squirrels dropping the walnut hulls in hopes they will land heavily and pop open! I'll be lucky if I don't have one dropped right on my head! BONK!
I'm taking a break this afternoon from pouring resin and casting pewter to show a couple of the pieces I've made the last few days. I'm really enjoying the look of the resin, the way I've got it going now, and I just carved some decorative bezels so I can cast them in pewter.
Fingers crossed!
This medallion with the words "FLY UP" between two cast pewter wings is dual-purpose. It has loops at the end of the wings, for attaching to a necklace, and it has a pin back attached, for wearing as a brooch. I love multi-purpose jewelry.
lol Llyynn!! why don't you make a big big charm with this diabolic squirel?? you can write "scratt" on his little noose!!stop joke,
your Fly up is just fabulous!!
take care!!
Merci! Hope you are doing well, I'm thinking of getting out an umbrella to protect me from the Squirrel Bombadier!
I have the same problem with the pecan trees over hanging the deck. I swear the squirrels are aiming at me.
looool!! Bombardier!! yessss!! it's not scratt..good idea the umbrella!! and one more for summers studi!! here in france .. animals are PACIFICS!! what a chance hein??
I love most anything with wings, in fact my second Etsy shop is called "Flap Your Wings". Your piece is wonderful!
Hello Lynn, We have squrrels and pecans too. I love dual purpose jewelry too. Love the winged pieces.
very cool piece!
Love your elements, as always. I wouldn't have recognized those walnut hulls, though. They look amazingly different from the kind we have here. Must go take some pictures of them. Since we have alot of cats in our village, we don't see too many squirrels. But we have birds, comparable to jays, that love the walnuts.
LOL, mon cher lilibulle, I think you mean in English PACIFISTS - loving peace, non? Not PACIFICS - or oceans? But they are oceans of aggravation for certain! I'm looking into a hard hat for the poor dog! She wanders outside with walnut cannonballs bouncing all around...
Renanta, do the blue jays knock them down and giggle in high-pitched bird voices?
You Texas folk are making me homesick for pecans - that's PEE-KAN, right? LOL
yeeeeeeees oups, sorry.. pacifsts!! thank you!! in french we say "pacifiques.. "
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