Last night I took the night off out of the studio.
Yes, that's right. I ate dinner at a table like most folks, and watched a favorite show on TV.
I thought I'd treat myself and take a little break, but tonight it's back in the studio to make up some more things.

One of the new things I made last weekend is this little linen-colored heart with metal hanging loops. It is very ornate looking and worn, almost like carved bone or wood. The back has a design on it, too.

I noticed that the ExpeditionD shop has now joined the other Etsy shop in going over 800 sales! Woo Hoo!
That plus the 2 year anniversary at Easter of the ExpeditionD shop, and the blog counter milestones tells me, it's time for a GIVEAWAY!
So, if you post your thoughts to this question on this post, you'll be in the running to win one of my new heart designs in the pewter bezel that I pictured on the previous post. Fun!
Here's the question:
If you could spend any amount of time with me in my studio and have me teach any ONE thing in ONE media (glass, polymer clay, pewter, fused fine silver, to list some options) which ONE would you pick?
If you choose to post, and you are a FOLLOWER of the blog, you get extra points (hint, hint) so give this some thought and tell, DO tell ... lots of juicy details on how you reached your choice also give a extra point on the giveaway. You can do it, I know you can ...
I'll announce the winner next Monday!
(Don't hold back - I promise you'll REALLY love being the winner)
Yes, that's right. I ate dinner at a table like most folks, and watched a favorite show on TV.
I thought I'd treat myself and take a little break, but tonight it's back in the studio to make up some more things.
One of the new things I made last weekend is this little linen-colored heart with metal hanging loops. It is very ornate looking and worn, almost like carved bone or wood. The back has a design on it, too.
I noticed that the ExpeditionD shop has now joined the other Etsy shop in going over 800 sales! Woo Hoo!
That plus the 2 year anniversary at Easter of the ExpeditionD shop, and the blog counter milestones tells me, it's time for a GIVEAWAY!
So, if you post your thoughts to this question on this post, you'll be in the running to win one of my new heart designs in the pewter bezel that I pictured on the previous post. Fun!
Here's the question:
If you could spend any amount of time with me in my studio and have me teach any ONE thing in ONE media (glass, polymer clay, pewter, fused fine silver, to list some options) which ONE would you pick?
If you choose to post, and you are a FOLLOWER of the blog, you get extra points (hint, hint) so give this some thought and tell, DO tell ... lots of juicy details on how you reached your choice also give a extra point on the giveaway. You can do it, I know you can ...
I'll announce the winner next Monday!
(Don't hold back - I promise you'll REALLY love being the winner)
Good for you, Lynn. Taking a night off is good for recharging and it's healthy self care. Umm, the question. Let me see. I am particularly fascinated with your ability build up models from various parts. I think if I could spend one day with you (which I would love) I'd like to see model/mold making, especially for your pewter pieces.
I love all that you do...but for me, it would have to be making those gorgeous polymer pieces that look like ceramic!
I hope you enjoyed your night off :o) Sometimes you have to take a break from it all, or else it starts to seem too much like work...
I've already told you this offline, but I would LOVE to get the chance to sit with you for a day and see some of your finishing techniques for polymer clay. I know how to make the "stuff", but I love how you finish your work and would love to get some tips :o)
Well I don't know, I just can't make up my mind! I guess I also would like to spend the day playing with polymer clay and learning your tricks and techniques for those fabulous fauxs, textures and finishes. And then if we have time, maybe we could do a little mold making for some resin charlottes or something.....:D
all the different things you do are wonderful..
but i love metal..i would like to learn how to make molds and cast pewter from my own designs, such as
frames and "cameo/cabochon" settings that i could then work into my jewelry.
Hello Llynn, I do love everything you do. But if I had to pick just one medium it would be polymer clay. Your heart, houses, and your newest heart creation have so much texture and color. I have been wanting to learn some polymer clay techniques for awhile; and you are the lady I would love to learn them from. Second choice would be your resin pieces. I bought one from you with a single word pendant piece and I just love it!
I think I would have to pick polymer clay. I dabbled in PC years ago & would like to learn a few more techniques~that said I could learn any/all from you!
The heart is terrific!
You and I could spend a lovely day...I would start by bringing fresh crossiants and coffee from the French bakery down our street. We would sit and linger over our petite dejeuner and discuss our studio time together...You would be teaching me as this old dog does not have any tricks to show you that you don't already know. I would love to learn how to cast vintage items in pewter..I'd bring some of my faves that I have been collecting for some 20 odd years..then the choice would be made and the casting process begins...
I so love that heart and today being my weddding anniversary I may just have to buy it anyhow...But I also love and I mean love the bezeled one with the Daffodils...
What fascinates me most about your pieces is the pewter. That seems so mysterious to me. I cannot fathom how you make them look so old, when they aren't. Your use of patinas and techniques is so striking and makes your style all your own. I hope that you will write a book so that I can enjoy a glimpse into your world whenever I need inspiration. Good for you to take a night off. I have been under the weather and taking more time off than I feel I can afford. Must.Get.Better.NOW! Thanks for your generosity and congratulations on the great milestones! Enjoy the day! Erin
Taking off a night is a guilty pleasure. Do you know, I didn't even knit or crochet in front of the TV, I was totally vegged out, LOL!
I'm facinated that there is so much interest in the polymer clay, how fun, I would not have predicted that. See, that's why I'm asking, you just never know until you ask ...
Erin, I hope you feel better soon, my rest was an indulgence, sounds like yours is more of a necessity.
Congrats Lynn! Well, if I had one awesome day in the studio with you I would want you to teach me pewter. I've been metalsmithing for about 3 years and I have a casting kit but havent used it yet. I would love to be taught by someone who has experience with it and since you clearly know what you are doing (and making cool stuff with it) that would be the clear choice.
I think I'd love to learn polymer clay from you. I agree with Doreen, some of your pieces look like ceramic, Id love to see how you do that! I'd love to get into polymer clay!
Good for you taking a day to veg, Tuesday is my guilty pleasure TV show night.
I do love the pewter and resin pieces you make but polymer clay is my medium of choice. I have oohhed and ahhed over your ExpeditionD shop for some time. Love the magic you create with your finishes...all the colors and the aged appearance.
Takinga break is what every artists needs. Good for you!
As for your question: I am a new follower to your blog and have enjoyed it greatly. I would love to spend a day in your studio and I think that I would gain greatly in my jewelry design by learning Fine Fused Silver. I have a scoured your etsy site and LOVE the pieces where you've done silver.
Thank You for blogging, creating and inspiring artists and craftspeople all over the country.
Congratulations on all fronts Lynn!!
I think like LeAnn I would love to see your process for building up your molds!! You have developed such a wonderful technique in layering componates in your pewter pieces!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Based on the other comments, I think any of us would be happy to learn anything new from you! But I really would like to make those hearts and houses, Really!! As a non-artist kid, I always drew houses, my specialty. So I could grow up now and expand my skills. Basically, we all want to be just like you, isn't that a good reason??
A night off! Woo-hoo! Oh, Lynn, I would love to learn how to cast the pewter pieces. You know, I am so in love with them! They just do wonders when I include them in my work.
I have never tried polymer clay and fid it amazing that you can create `vintage`` piecess that look like they have been around for years. So I wus lkie to spend the day with you watching you work with polymer clay.
Wow, you guys are making me feel GREAT - you know, I have a feeling there are nice things I can do for everyone who replies to this post, don't you? I think that will be a must, let me give it some thought.
Polymer clay is definitely more accessible than the pewter or the fused glass, due to the low temperatures and the forgiving nature of the polymer.
It's exciting to me that it is of such interest, it's been around a good long while and I thought everyone was used to all its charming uses by now. How surprising!
Good for you taking off for a night - you deserve it and probably need to do it more often. It would be a difficult choice to pick what I would want - it would be between the polymer clay and the pewter. I think the pewter would win out. You are so talented along so many lines.
I would love to just "be" in your studio, to be invited to play would be a bonus. I find copper exciting, it does so many tricks, I particularly love when it transforms color,it's malleable and tenacious! I want to etch, texture and transform it, so your copper work would be my wish!
Oh, Lynn, sometimes that night off from the bench can infuse you with new vigor and inspiration! And thanks so much for offering a giveaway...I'd be so happy to win something, anything, from you! And well, what would I like to learn from you? Well, uhmmm, I have to make a choice? Okay, lets start with glass...errr, polymer...yes, no, okay, yes, your polymer clay techniques fascinate me.
first of all, congrats to the expedition d shop...
so i am returning to this post almost 36 hours later - why? because i really had to think about my response... you had to go and be so great at everything you do, so you made it really hard! and there are so many things i would love to learn from you... but your magic with polymer clay has to be my choice...
final answer
I would love to learn how to make molds and a variety of ways to use them with metals and clay. Your work is lovely. Have a wonderful weekend.
I wouldn't want you to teach me anything. Your work is so fabulous I am happy to keep it a mystery and just admire!
I would love to visit, it would be like Aladdin's cave for me. Root through your stuff and put things together, get everything out and create beautiful adornments!
Jacqui, I'd love to have you spend time in the studio - I think you'd find that I have things on my work desk in a semi-finished state, and things I've put aside because I want to try to design with them. There's a whole paper box full of beads and components I have made and haven't listed because I've enjoyed looking at them. So I hope you would enjoy looking at those - in fact, maybe I'll reach into that box and pull out some things for the giveaway items!
Hi, I am new to your blog. I think I have seen your work in the magazines. But what brought me to your Etsy site was the posting and giveaway on Andrew Thornton's blog. What I would like to spend a day learning with you is mold casting and the subsequent work if I understand your process correctly. I placed an order from you on Etsy and you said in the message you had to make them up, so that intrigued me, plus nice to know if you do this, that is, that you make them up for each order. Makes them more special Anyway, I love your work and I will keep reading your blog. Thanks!
I definitely go for the polymer clay class. Your polymer clay pieces are awesome!!! Thank you for the great giveaway!!! Mari from Puerto Rico
Thank you friends, I'll be closing the posting today but it's not too late to add someting today if you want to be in on the giveaway. The answers have been very helpful and just what I needed! So post today if you want to be in the running and on Monday I'll post the photo of the giveaway item and the WINNER - plus some extra stuff for everyone ...
What fun! I always love a giveaway! I would pick polymer clay. I've had an interest in making beads for a while now and recently bought a how to book. Thanks Lynn!
i would love to know how to do the glass!! it looks so intresting and i really want to learn it someday!
i am a follower btw :)
Oooooo squishing polymer clay is fun and so is belting metal into submission, but melting stuff - now we're talking. I'd love to spend time l;earning pewter casting. I wouldn't take up much space. Honest
I'm a little late to your post, but I have an excuse...I've been out-of-town without internet! Torture!! If I visited your studio, I think it would be fun to play around with polymer clay, but I would also want to learn something that I know nothing about, which would be working with pewter and making molds for it. I am sure the day would FLY by too! Thanks for the fun giveaway!!
The studio went dark for two hours today - the power went out. I had to find things I could do that didn't need electricity - there are a few things. I did some wire wrapping and strung some faux pearls. I am so enjoying seeing your replies, I can tell that the polymer clay is getting a lot of attention.
All next week I'll be showing what I was working on in the studio this week - and most of it includes polymer clay!
I'll leave the post open for replies until tomorrow morning, so go ahead and post when you have a minute, tomorrow I'll show the piece that's the giveaway item, I hope you'll like it!
Thank you all for the great feedback, don't forget the 10% discount in the shop, if you are a follower of the blog and posted here, let me know at checkout when you purchase - there are additional benefits!
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