I saw this tavern sign when I was on a trip to Ireland with friends.
Today it sounds like a great suggestion!
Packing, cleaning and planning take their toll.
I think I need a tall frothy glass.
Wish you could all join me, and make a toast to the next new adventure.
It makes me think of our ancestors, many of whom traveled from countries far away to be here and start out family trees.
The streets in the town I'm moving to are all named for things in Ireland.
Now all it needs is a pub!
For now, I think I'll pour a big iced glass of sweet tea...
And Guinness for health! I hate packing. My sympathies are with you!
Ugh. Packing. I think that worse than packing is the unpacking that inevitably comes. I am still trying to unpack my garage. We moved in December. (Not fun to move in December in Wisconsin!) Blessings to you on your journey!
Enjoy the day!
Cheers Lynn, I'd love to be able to sit down with you in a noisy Irish pub and drink a few with you. I don't envy your packing, but what a wonderful end result -- being near your daughter and grandbaby!
Bead happy,
I've been so absent Lynn, what journey? You are moving to where? Best of luck on the move. Take care, miss you! Riki
I'm so happy for you ... being able to watch your grandbaby grow up! If that's your front door of the new house, it looks very inviting! Where in Louisiana?
I'm keeping a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator to open and drink out of plastic cups when the packing is FINISHED.
Whoo Boy. Thanks for the words of support. I will be having some fun new studio events once I get past all this change.
Change is good. We like Change. REPEAT, LOL
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