These are four new designs from the button replicas I've been casting. They are various sizes and designs, but all extremely beautiful, like tiny sculptures.

This one reminds me of a pair of thistles, like the stylized designs I saw in Scotland.
This one has buds, flowers and leaves, swirling around inside the lovely round frame, they resemble tulips in the spring to me.
There are large, medium and small sizes, just like the actual buttons. some are very detailed, I'm so happy with the molds and the results I'm getting.
Sometime this year these will be part of another collaboration magazine article with Deryn Mentock. These are her buttons, and they have quite a story to tell.
In the meantime, I'm enjoying just looking at them. And I have some ideas about how to combine them with some fiber patterns I'm working on. When I get everything together, I'll show them, too.
Very pretty Lynn. I can't wait to hear the story about the original buttons!
Wow, the open work on these is fantastic. Well done and beautiful.
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