See that big red path there? It goes right over my house. We started preparing for lots of rain and wind last night. The usual things, like bottled water, batteries, weather radio. Hopefully, the tree trimming I had done two weeks ago will make sure that no branches fall on the house in high winds, or take out the electricity. But it's good to be ready, just in case!
I hopped over here for your bead soup post and saw this. I have a similar post from yesterday, but it looks like you're definitely more in the danger zone than I am. Here's hoping it stays a tropical storm and you are safe. I'll keep you in my thoughts!
Stay safe.. don't forget Hurricane food..non refridgerated goods...quick to cook too..Oh and if you use frozen 2liter soda bottles of water in the coolers it takes a long time to thaw and won't get all your food in coolers soggy.. after Ike, the electricity was out for 2 street lights,no grocery stores, gas stations,etc.. the nearest gas station operating was 25miles away..generators need gasoline. we were prepared for 3-4 days of no electricity but it was eye opening having to live without for 2 yard lights are great, they can be brought inside at night..and windup(no battery) flashlights are fabulous. we learned a lot dealing with Ike..stuff they don't tell you about in the hurricane packages
I am praying for you Miss Lynn! It makes it more real than surreal when I know that there is a friend under all that swirly weather on the map on my tv. I am thinking dry thoughts for you. Stay safe. Erin
Looks like Isaac is drawing a bead on New Orleans and headed right up the state towards us. I lived in Houston on the Gulf Coast for almost ten years, so I've gone through the routine of "hurricane season preparation" a time or two - but living here has lulled me a bit this time.
Thanks for all your well-wishes and thoughts. And great advice - love the idea of solar yard lights! I have some of those and I'll keep them handy in case the power goes off.
I was in Louisiana in 2008 for Gustav, when my daughter had the grandbaby. With a newborn and a nursing mom (who got released from the hospital early) in a house with no power and no AC, that has to be the hardest time in a hurricane! So this year, if it happens (fingers crossed it doesn't) it will be nothing in comparison to that time!
I remembered to tell my hubby to fill empty gallon milk jugs (4 or 5) almost full and put them into the deep freezer! They help keep the food from spoiling too quickly if we lose power, and as they melt they provide cold fresh water to drink. Put into an insulated cooler, a frozen milk jug of water gives cooling power without all the melting water mess, too!
Lynn you are in my thoughts and prayers. We left New Orleans and headed to Texas to wait out the storm. You are much better prepared for hurricanes than me. I have to get out of the way. Stay safe.
You will ride this one out just fine and have stories to tell in the years to come. All the advice you have received so far is outstanding and solid.
I've rode out 6 hurricanes in Miami Beach, and the most wonderful event I've ever witnessed was our resilience to overcome obstacles and our humanity towards each other.
I'm super glad we had the trees trimmed when we did! We had heavy rains and high winds, but nothing like Gustav! We were all prepped with bottled water and batteries, but never lost power, although a lot of other people DID!
I hopped over here for your bead soup post and saw this. I have a similar post from yesterday, but it looks like you're definitely more in the danger zone than I am. Here's hoping it stays a tropical storm and you are safe. I'll keep you in my thoughts!
Stay safe! I'll be praying for all my blog friends in the path of this storm.
Stay safe..
don't forget Hurricane food..non refridgerated goods...quick to cook too..Oh and if you use frozen 2liter soda bottles of water in the coolers it takes a long time to thaw and won't get all your food in coolers soggy..
after Ike, the electricity was out for 2 street lights,no grocery stores, gas stations,etc.. the nearest gas station operating was 25miles away..generators need gasoline.
we were prepared for 3-4 days of no electricity but it was eye opening having to live without for 2 yard lights are great, they can be brought inside at night..and windup(no battery) flashlights are fabulous. we learned a lot dealing with Ike..stuff they don't tell you about in the hurricane packages
I am praying for you Miss Lynn! It makes it more real than surreal when I know that there is a friend under all that swirly weather on the map on my tv. I am thinking dry thoughts for you. Stay safe. Erin
My thoughts are with you. Let us know what happens.
Looks like Isaac is drawing a bead on New Orleans and headed right up the state towards us. I lived in Houston on the Gulf Coast for almost ten years, so I've gone through the routine of "hurricane season preparation" a time or two - but living here has lulled me a bit this time.
Thanks for all your well-wishes and thoughts. And great advice - love the idea of solar yard lights! I have some of those and I'll keep them handy in case the power goes off.
I was in Louisiana in 2008 for Gustav, when my daughter had the grandbaby. With a newborn and a nursing mom (who got released from the hospital early) in a house with no power and no AC, that has to be the hardest time in a hurricane! So this year, if it happens (fingers crossed it doesn't) it will be nothing in comparison to that time!
I remembered to tell my hubby to fill empty gallon milk jugs (4 or 5) almost full and put them into the deep freezer! They help keep the food from spoiling too quickly if we lose power, and as they melt they provide cold fresh water to drink. Put into an insulated cooler, a frozen milk jug of water gives cooling power without all the melting water mess, too!
Any more ideas out there?
Stay safe. I am thinking of you and all who are and will be affected by Isaac.
Lynn you are in my thoughts and prayers. We left New Orleans and headed to Texas to wait out the storm. You are much better prepared for hurricanes than me. I have to get out of the way. Stay safe.
Watching the weather and thinking of you. Stay safe.
Hi Lynn
You guys are in my thoughts.
You will ride this one out just fine and have stories to tell in the years to come. All the advice you have received so far is outstanding and solid.
I've rode out 6 hurricanes in Miami Beach, and the most wonderful event I've ever witnessed was our resilience to overcome obstacles and our humanity towards each other.
Stay safe. . .
I'm super glad we had the trees trimmed when we did! We had heavy rains and high winds, but nothing like Gustav! We were all prepped with bottled water and batteries, but never lost power, although a lot of other people DID!
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