Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Inglewoods Farm Saturday

On Saturday my daughter and I went to Inglewoods Farm, to their Harvest barn. Many of the things they have are already in my garden, but I got some fresh brussel sprouts and beets. In another post, I'll show you what I did with them! They didn't last long, for certain.

Their produce is just beautiful! and they have the prettiest eggs, some of them have sky blue shells. Just like natural easter eggs.

Such gorgeous strawberries - I bought two baskets of them. I washed them and cut off the tops, but left them whole in the refrigerator. I slice them up right before I eat them! So sweet, they don't need any sugar, but honey is a plus.

They have a really nice setup. Lots of organic vegetables, plants for transplanting, a chicken house and covered greenhouse.

There were quite a few people there, taking classes and buying produce. It was a beautiful day. I was tempted to take home some transplants, but I'm almost out of room in my raised beds, so I held myself back.

Here they are cutting up the roasted pig for our sandwiches at lunch. They had quite a setup for cooking it, I'd never seen it done that way before.

That's their cooker, that big black enclosure. I'm sure it has a name, but I don't know what it's called. But the results were very tasty!

I took a class in "Backyard Chickens" and my daughter took a class in "Juicing and Healthy Snacks." They were well done, and we had a great time. We picked up some grass-fed beef to try, too.

Do you have something similar near you? I feel really lucky to have this resource so close to me, here in Louisiana.

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