Have had some 'waiting room' time lately. Working on a replica of an old style of chain with crystals and pearls. Don't know the actual name of the style, popular in the 1920's and even up to the 1950's.
Seem to remember pieces like it belonging to family members, costume finery. Sometimes only fragments.
This piece is now four inches long, a mixture of small, medium and oblong pearls combined with crystals on dark metal for the links.
The pink dichroic glass cabochon next to it is a possibility for combining with the triple-link chain, maybe for a bracelet.
Lots of fiddly bits to this style of chain, good for occupying hands and mind during downtime and waiting time.
Have a tool used for these mobile projects. The old name for them is 'rosary pliers' because they have all the actions needed for making rosary style chain. Some call them '3 in 1 pliers' - either way, they have a cutter, round nose pliers and an area of flat nose pliers combined in one tool. Very handy for carrying around, only need one tool instead of two or three.
Will get this length of chain finished and combined with a two-to-one linkage piece and a clasp. Might keep this one and make another for the Etsy shop.
Seem to remember pieces like it belonging to family members, costume finery. Sometimes only fragments.
This piece is now four inches long, a mixture of small, medium and oblong pearls combined with crystals on dark metal for the links.
The pink dichroic glass cabochon next to it is a possibility for combining with the triple-link chain, maybe for a bracelet.
Lots of fiddly bits to this style of chain, good for occupying hands and mind during downtime and waiting time.
Have a tool used for these mobile projects. The old name for them is 'rosary pliers' because they have all the actions needed for making rosary style chain. Some call them '3 in 1 pliers' - either way, they have a cutter, round nose pliers and an area of flat nose pliers combined in one tool. Very handy for carrying around, only need one tool instead of two or three.
Will get this length of chain finished and combined with a two-to-one linkage piece and a clasp. Might keep this one and make another for the Etsy shop.
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