Wanted this focal unit to look like a very old, revered piece that might have been handed down, very weathered and worn and much-handled.
The dark steel wire helps to give that aged look, and also the color, the way it's irregular and the edges seem chipped and faded.
The way it's made, it could be hung on a picture hanger on the wall, to use as a household decorative piece, or with beads or chain it could be worn as jewelry. (or as someone pointed out to me, dual purpose by taking off the chain and hanging back on the wall after wearing - good idea)
On a trip to Ireland I went into a church in Galway, with its carved effigies and placques in the walls, dating back to the 1500's, built so long ago it seems impossible it could still be standing. The stone walls had such a beautiful look to them, from the generations of hands touching them in passing, slowly and gently polished over time.
That's the look I wanted to catch in this emblem, of use and wear and much handling, and outlasting the hands that used it.
You've achieved the aged look you were going for, Lynn! I love the texture and "patina" of the piece. I want to reach into my screen and touch it. You create lovely "faux-tiques." (I LOVE that word!)
This is my way of being a big armchair traveler - if I can't go to the cathedral I'll have to create the cathedral in my studio ... or something along those lines, you know what I mean!
Cindy, we need to collaborate on something with your glass, some metal, a little faux-tique mystique, your eye for color.
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