Several artists whose work I admire have recently been creating some beautiful designs, using doll heads and bodies that have been rescued from a German doll factory. They are rejected porcelain doll parts, apparently buried near the factory, but being uncovered now. Some lovely pieces of jewelry have been created around those recovered faces, bodies and other parts.
I wanted to make something in that spirit, but different enough to have a unique look and feeling.
This little focal bead is meant to replicate the look of an italian ceramic piece, possibly from a wall mosaic or in the stairway of a chapel. You know how old things that are touched by generations of hands or feet get a certain patina, hand rubbed?
I remember during the trip to Ireland during a tour of one of the restored castles, how the treads of the stairs had an indention in the middle of the stone step. That was caused by generations of feet going up and down those circular stairs, until after so much time and use the steps were worn away.
I wanted this little faux ceramic replica to look as though many hands had touched it, shoulders had rubbed it over the ages. With crackled edges and an almost verdigris patina to it.
Remember some weeks ago - all those posts about my challenge in getting a nice blue or blue-green color? I'm very pleased with these results on the bird's egg blue on this bead.
It would be fun to combine this bead with some turquoise beads, or some hand dyed blue green costume pearls rosary wrapped with darkened wire.
It reminds me of a little cherub or angel face, with a chantilly lace head scarf wrapped around it.
I didn't want to be too close in copying the vintage german porcelain dolls, and I think I managed to do something quite different but with the same feeling.
What do you think?
I wanted to make something in that spirit, but different enough to have a unique look and feeling.
This little focal bead is meant to replicate the look of an italian ceramic piece, possibly from a wall mosaic or in the stairway of a chapel. You know how old things that are touched by generations of hands or feet get a certain patina, hand rubbed?
I remember during the trip to Ireland during a tour of one of the restored castles, how the treads of the stairs had an indention in the middle of the stone step. That was caused by generations of feet going up and down those circular stairs, until after so much time and use the steps were worn away.

Remember some weeks ago - all those posts about my challenge in getting a nice blue or blue-green color? I'm very pleased with these results on the bird's egg blue on this bead.
It would be fun to combine this bead with some turquoise beads, or some hand dyed blue green costume pearls rosary wrapped with darkened wire.
It reminds me of a little cherub or angel face, with a chantilly lace head scarf wrapped around it.
I didn't want to be too close in copying the vintage german porcelain dolls, and I think I managed to do something quite different but with the same feeling.
What do you think?
It's fabulous, interesting and should be a pleasure to work with.
It's beautiful. The coloring that you did is perfect. It looks as though it's been through many years of being well loved.
I think you did a great job! The cherubic face definitely adds to the authentic Italian feeling - you reached your goal; it looks like it would be right at home inside an old chapel!
Also, I've seen a lot of your pressed and more abstract designs, but I'd just like to compliment you on how skillfully rendered the face is. Not -only- did you capture the era you wanted, but it's such an accurate, well-formed face!
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