This little seashell was made to look like burnished copper, added to a handmade cabochon and enclosed in a copper bezel I made to fit it.
I can't decide if the word should go up-and-down in the bezel, or if it should go across the bottom.
So what do you think about which way the tile should turn? Do you have a preference?
Very clever! I like the word and shell oriented vertically to contrast with the bail on the bezel. Is the shell from the resin you cast the other day?
Hi Lynn,
I like what you've done, adding the word. I'm rather partial to the vertical orientation. That shell is fabulous.
I kind of like the vertical shell, but wasn't sure if having the word turned would pose a problem with reading it - you're right in that it contrasts nicely with the round bezel going horizontally - and yes, this is from some resin I cast earlier, I added a link to the original post about it - thanks for noticing!
Hey Lynn,
I'm with the rest, I like the vertical orientation too. Good job, by the way.
Lynn, I think it reads just fine vertically. You can always tip your head a little. It's sort of attention grabbing that way.
I agree about the vertical orientation, it's very dynamic that way. I also like that the shell extends upward and overlaps the bail a bit. Nice work on the bezel, too!
definitely vertical. very lovely...
I prefer the vertical position- the horizontal position makes the bail and shell combination a bit too heavy on the eye- the vertical is fresher.
Thanks, all - sounds unanimous. Sometimes you're just too close to something and need a fresh perpective ... you have been very helpful! Appreciate the kind words, too.
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