A while back I did some posts in a series on Legendary Jewelrymakers. One of the people I featured is Amy Pfaffman, she uses interesting recycled and upsized things in her work and found objects such as aluminum knitting needles, wooden yardsticks and pencils. You can read about her on the blog, or use the "legendary jewelrymakers" tag to see the whole series, there are several. So when I ran across Jennifer Maestre's work on Etsy, I was intrigued by her use of colored pencils to create scultures and wearable pieces.
In her Etsy site she has pins and focal beads for pendants made of colored pencils too, very graphic and colorful.
Aren't they marvelous? They make me smile.
Lynn, I found these a while ago - I love them!
Thanks for sharing this Lynn, I don't get a lot of time to surf etsy and a lot of artists like you I have found to share some really invaluable info and resources to me!
you should see her studio! incredible! It was in one of the last Cloth Paper Scissors studio mags, I think even maybe the spring 2009 anyway, her sanding discs are as art on the wall - even more recycling, very cool
I stumbled across her awhile ago too. Like you those pencils make me smile.
Have you ever seen one of Susan Lenart Kazmer's amulet necklaces with all the sharpened and stubby pencils, well worn and used - these sort of remind me of those. So much meaning in a utilitarian item. I'll bet those sanding disks are something to see, all right, with all the colors of the pencils on them!
I have ALWAYS loved her things!!!!!!!
I saw her studio in the Studio's Spring/Summer 2009 by Cloth Paper Scissor's magazine. Very COOL STUFF! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Charlene, I'll have to see if I can find that issue to check it out.
The distortion from the way they are cut on the brooches with the colored pencil leads gives them an interesting "through the looking glass" appearance, like they're underwater or something.
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