What do you do on long car trips, when you're not the driver of course?
There are some things jewelry-related I can do, like making strands of rosary wrapped pearls, or putting them onto headpins and wire wrapping.
But mostly I like to knit or crochet on long trips. The picture is a design in the latest Vogue Knitting magazine designed by Shiri Mor, it's called Botanica Medallion. Isn't it so pretty and sweet? I'd love to work on that during the drive down to the southlands next week, and then back to Saint Louis.

That is definitely NOT me in the photos. And if I make it, I might have someone else in mind to wear it. It's constructed in a giant circular pattern.

I have some of my hand-dyed silk that would look really pretty made up into this design. It's an interesting construction for the design, kind of a shawl-shrug-sweater combination. And it's knit lace, not crochet. I think the medallion is one that used to be found in cotton bedspreads long ago, I have a book of antique pattern reproductions. And some folks online have converted the pattern to a baby blanket, sounds like fun too.
If I get time before I leave, I'll take and post some photos of the cotton lace afghan I'm working on and that I SHOULD keep working during the drive, so it's ready for an early fall birthday present! It's always fun to dream of that next project you'll start when the current one is finished.
Before I leave I'm going to make up some stitch markers using some of my heart-shaped designs, just in case I can't resist putting this onto needles during the trip.
Do you do major cleaning before you go on a trip? I like to return home to a nice, fresh house, so I do a huge cleaning and laundry project before I go. But OH NO! I KILLED the vacuum cleaner. The beater bar started making a huge rattling sound and turned into a real beater, whacking the insides of the poor vaccum cleaner. So now we have to make an expedition to try to find a replacement, so I can finish cleaning the house.
Next is the kitchen, especially the refrigerator. Taking any food that won't be eaten before we leave and putting it in the freezer. Might have to finish off the ice cream, it's the least I can do, right?
Pesky vacuum! why NOW, why TODAY?
*twitch*want*twitch* :D
Knitting is a great car project. We listen to talking books on long trips. We got through 3 of them this last time.
Lynn, we're definitely travelling in opposite directions. Hope it's not as hot down this way as it is now when you travel.
Knitting is not something I think I would have the patience nor the logic for....there would be many flaws that would have to add character to my design! I appreciate the artistry though!
On a recent car trip I set up a little snapware box filled with wire and tools to make little wire wrapped birds nests using a tutorial I bought from Deryn Mentock. It was great, didn't take much space and didn't make me carsick! I repurposed a bug wipe container to be my wire snip catcher. Great questions Lynn! Can't wait to see what you do! Enjoy the day! Erin
Yes! I do a major cleaning, I have to have clean towels in place and clean sheets, my family thinks I'm a freak, I'm so glad you are a freak too! I'm doing all that today, getting ready for Portugal. And I get carsick, so I can't do a THING with all those wasted car hours. It drives me crazy, I wish I could! Have fun!
I usually enjoy being the driver and my husband is fine with that. Actually come to think of it - I am always the driver, bit of a control hog I guess. If you are off to buy a vacuum it is a bit of a luxury but if you can swing it buy a dyson. We have two cats who don't pick up after themselves and honestly after killing two midrange vacuums I broke down and bought the fanciest dyson... ah now that is the cleanest carpet ever! My little ad for the day :)
Jenny, you can certainly look over the pattern, I'll bring it - big GRIN!
LeAnn, I have some audio books on the MP3 player, I can knit and listen at the same time. The hubby driver doesn't like them as much, though, he thinks they make him sleepy. I think it depends on what BOOK it is, LOL!
Sue, I was sympathetic about the carsick thing until you mentioned a trip to Portugal! I've always heard it's a wonderful place to visit, I wish I was hiding in your suitcase!
And SHHHH about the Dyson ... the co-vacuum operator in the house (no, not the furry dog that creates most the the vacuuming need, the other one) WANTS a Dyson really badly. A vote of confidence would tip the scale that direction added to the 20% off coupon that just came in the mail.
Ohhhhh Dysons are soooooooo awesome. We bit the bullet before we moved down here. I had LW make room in the tiny trailer we moved down with :) We don't have an inch if carpet now but it's the only vac. that picks up 5 dogs worth of hair, sand, dirt and critters that move slower then the dyson does!! :) Think of all the time it will save you!! Time you can be in the studio! :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Have to weigh in on the dyson - we have one too and LOVE IT!
What a nice pattern. I've seen some shrugs like this that can be worn right side up, and upside down. Right side up you end up with a long shrug and a small collar. The other way you end up with a cropped shrug and a deep collar.
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