I don't usually work in pink and rose tones, but lately they have shown up. I bought two new colors of tube acrylics on sale that lend themselves to these tones.
I'm having a personal celebration!
I was very close for a very long time to a personal goal with the two Etsy shops, combined sales total 800. So close! and yesterday I MADE IT!
So there's a sale in the pewter and glass shop, if you've had your eye on anything special.
And since I finally hit my goal, I'll do a giveaway on the blog to celebrate!
I don't know why 800 has been the goal for such a long time, but now I made it!
Thanks to all of you, truly, for hanging in with me on this crazy wild creative adventure... you are the reason I make time in my crazy-busy days to make things!
That's fantastic Lynn, congrat's!!
YAY for you!
Waaaa Hoooo!!!!!
It's such a wonderful pleasent rush of positive endorphins when you obtain a goal you worked hard for!!! :)
Okay I'm off to shop I have my eye on a couple of things hopefully someone else hasn't beat me to the cash register!! :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Hello Lynn,
I love the rosey pinkness of these new pieces. They seem to be from a softer, warmer time.
Check out my blog for a giveaway!
Congratulations Lynn, That is indeed an accomplishment. And well worthy of your work.
Woohoo! Lynn I am proud to be a partner in your success since I helped push you over the edge (in a good way!)
You make beeyootiful mini works of art!
Enjoy the day!
I don't know why round numbers like that gain a meaning of their own, I felt the same way when I hit 200 in one of the shops for sales. It's motivating for me, even though it really doesn't mean anything if you think about it, it's just a number.
You all are a big part of making this happen for me, I feel you lifting me up and keeping me encouraged. THANKS!
Your work is beautiful! Congratulations on reaching your Etsy goal!
Sometimes it's hard for me to believe I've actually created 800 of something that went into the shop. All with two hands and whatever time I can carve out of the rest of the "stuff" that has to go on every day. Thanks for celebrating with me!
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