Remember a while back when Esther in Provence, France sent me the package full of goodies? Inside along with some lovely medallions were a pair of antique calligraphy pen nibs.
I've got a collection of old antique pen nibs myself, so I was especially thrilled.
Since I only had two, I wondered how I could get more so I could use them for charms and a pair of earrings.
They were so dainty I wasn't sure I could cast them, but I tried just to see how they would look.

These are the results.
I'm tickled with them, I think they look grand.
Now I can use them without guilt or feeling that I'm drilling a hole in something antique and special - I made these with holes for jump rings.

You can still see the writing on the side of the pen.
Maybe as a charm on a bracelet as a symbol of writing a love letter - or the old saw about "the pen is mightier than the sword" for a dangle on a necklace - my mind started racing about how they could be used. If I drilled a center hole it could be a toggle for a clasp ... Do you have more ideas?
Thank you again, Esther. These are so fun, and it wouldn't have been possible without your generosity!
I've got a collection of old antique pen nibs myself, so I was especially thrilled.
Since I only had two, I wondered how I could get more so I could use them for charms and a pair of earrings.
They were so dainty I wasn't sure I could cast them, but I tried just to see how they would look.
These are the results.
I'm tickled with them, I think they look grand.
Now I can use them without guilt or feeling that I'm drilling a hole in something antique and special - I made these with holes for jump rings.
You can still see the writing on the side of the pen.
Maybe as a charm on a bracelet as a symbol of writing a love letter - or the old saw about "the pen is mightier than the sword" for a dangle on a necklace - my mind started racing about how they could be used. If I drilled a center hole it could be a toggle for a clasp ... Do you have more ideas?
Thank you again, Esther. These are so fun, and it wouldn't have been possible without your generosity!