Still experimenting. Temperatures, products. Timing and order of process.
Will glue a pin/pendant hanger on this. One inch by one-and-a-half inches in size. Reflects light like a mirror in a window. Lots of texture in the image, some unintended. Very clear top and very smooth black back and sides.
Have a few more ideas to test.

Created some small images to put in handmade settings to use as earrings. Getting the steps down, consistent results.
Probably won't put on Etsy. Very difficult to photograph, because of the reflectivity.

Created some small images to put in handmade settings to use as earrings. Getting the steps down, consistent results.
Probably won't put on Etsy. Very difficult to photograph, because of the reflectivity.
Working on these for the magazine article assignment, for the summer issue.
Need to be sent out by Jan. 15, should have four pieces completed by then.
Learning curves and sudden breakthroughs.
Learning curves and sudden breakthroughs.