Thursday, February 5, 2009

Privileged and Proud

Yesterday the first part of a three-part interview for the Art Bead Scene began to run.

There are folks you follow, read about in publications, follow on their blog. Admire, respect. One of those people for me is Nina Bagley.

And I was privileged to interview her for the Art Bead Scene blog. To ask her questions about her work space, how she plans, what inspires her. The things I would want to ask if she was sitting down to tea, just visiting.

Please go over to the blog and check out the interview, it runs three consecutive days.

The third part is an invitation to a discussion - I hope you'll consider participating.


Cindy Ericsson said...

I'm really enjoying this series. Your questions and Nina's answers are revealing a lot about how she creates. Thank you.

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Cindy, I'm happy to hear that you liked it, I was hopeful it was something that would be meaningful and enjoyable to read. Thank you for expressing to me that you liked it!