Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Playful, this little cast pewter car toy replica reminds me of a movie I saw a long time ago, it's in french but if you haven't seen it it's worth reading the subtitles - the movie is "Amelie," maybe it's one of your favorites too.

I want to combine this car charm, with its old-fashioned look, with these two round glass oval links to make a design. For some reason these designs make me think of steering wheels, or the fancy enameled insignia on the hood of old roadster cars.

I think I'd put one circle glass link on either side of the car, add some dark blue stones or glass beads for the chain.

Can you tell I'm having fun with these?


Kristin said...

Those are so cool! I love the little car! And Amelie is one of my very favorite movies of all time.

stregata said...

Amelie is a wonderful poetic movie! Your glass nuggets are very lovely!

Beth Hikes said...

That car is so awesome! What fun to play with and I see the connection to Amelie :)

The Joy of Nesting said...

The car is also the spittin image of the original car game piece in the first Monopoly Games!!! Amazing :) :)

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

"Amelie" is a fun movie - I need to watch it again. Keep an eye out for toys in boxes, - Beth, you spotted the reference, you clever one!

Pattie, that gives me a Monopoly idea for charms ... with a game theme, fun! I've made some replica dice charms before, hmmm, this needs more thought.