Next spring, I want to plan flowers around the house. Maybe a rose bush, too.
The old house was vacant for a long time before the renovators fixed it up. It has lovely trees in the yard, and azaleas. But no flowering annuals. And it's too late this year to get that started.
I want to plant marigolds and zinnias. Maybe some four o'clocks and morning glories.
That could be what's inspiring this new set of faux porcelain handpainted hearts.
I've got the old time flowers in my head, dreaming about next spring. And they're coming out into these floral designs.
My grandmother's yard always had climbing roses and honeysuckle. She had to trim them a lot to keep them under control. I grew up in North Texas, near the Oklahoma border, it's not that far north of where I am now.
She also had canna lily plants. I will have to see if I can find some, to start out in the yard. Maybe they can go in this fall so they're ready next summer.

This pattern reminds me of colorful shasta daisy flowers.
But maybe it's a marigold bloom, golden orange color. If I can't grow them this year, I'll make my own with paint!
Just a mention here of something I hope you never need to know.
When you set up your Etsy shop you provide an email address.
If you ever have to change it, because for example you are MOVING and your old existing one won't be there any more - Watch Out!
There is more than one place where your email address gets entered on Etsy.
Do not, repeat, do NOT, let your Etsy billing email and your PayPal email address get out of synch.
I accidently did. And I'm very, very sorry.
I think it's fixed now. I thought that just changing my mailing address and my email address in one place would change it across the site, but it doesn't.
For your payment options, there's another place with an email address.
Since it's been a several-day learning experience, with emails to Etsy support and hand generated invoices from PayPal, I thought I'd share this with you.
(And YES - once I found the place where I needed to change the email for the billing address I did see the big red warning not to let them get out of synch!
But if I had seen the warning I would have been in the right place to change it in the first place, LOL.)
This has been an Etsy - PayPal Public Service Announcement.
Oh, and PLEASE don't let this hold you back you if you are wanting to order something. I promise I'll get this worked out as quickly as possible.
The beads and clasps really want to go home with you, for sure!