Fusing Fine Silver - Safety and SetupFUSING STATION PREPARATION:
It's important to have a safe, prepared area to do the fine silver fusing.
During a recent spring cleaning in Studio B (basement) the area set aside for using the torch was cleaned and re-organized.
The firebrick and heat protective mat is from
Delphi Glass, which is a good source for metal and glass fusing and warm glass supplies.
There are sites offering the idea that a regular brick or concrete block is good enough to use with the torch, but two things make that a bad choice. One, sometimes a brick that's heated too much will explode - not a good idea to have fiery hot brick shards flying in your work area. The other is that the firebrick acts as a heat sink, collecting heat in the area near the links and enhancing the fusing, and a regular brick won't do this. While it's possible to ball the ends of silver wire holding the wire in the air, it's very, very hard to get a link up to temperature while holding it in air.
The lighting should be task lighting that can be easily adjusted up or down - while fusing links the glowing color of the heated metal is a clue about the stage of fusing, bright lighting makes it harder to see the subtle color changes.
It's an urge to jump right into the creative fun of fusing, BUT safety is always first - have
a post on the blog about fusing safety, but here's a quick re-cap with specifics about fusing fine silver.
SAFETY INFORMATION:Having recently had a finger get a small burn from the new soldering iron, the first thing coming to mind is a caution about high temperatures. The firebrick will get very hot, as well as the nozzle of the torch and the links themselves. Keep it in the front of the awareness - DO NOT TOUCH them and be cautious of their location at all times. Burns are painful and take a while to heal, it's worth a few minutes of care to avoid a burn from accidently picking up a hot link with your fingers, or bumping the nozzle of the torch and getting a blister or burn.
Wear a heavy leather or vinyl apron and closed toe shoes when fusing. Early in the process while learning there may be times when a molten ball of silver drops off unexpectedly or a link is overheated and balls up. If it falls in your lap or on your foot, it may still be hot enough to cause a burn.
Keep a small container of water with ice in it near the fusing station. If you get a little burn, apply ice immediately to reduce the burn and the likelihood of a blister forming. Keep this water clean and hope you never need to use it, it's insurance just in case.
Always point the lighted torch away from yourself. One way to insure this is to put the open ends of the links you are fusing at the 12 o'clock position on the firebrick, so you are pointing the flame away from yourself. Store torch fuel and other flammables far away from the fusing station area.

The torch burns oxygen, keep a window slightly open to allow in fresh air, allow for good ventilation.
Pull long hair back, wear a short sleeved or sleeveless shirt, and cotton rather than a synthetic fabric. Safety glasses are always a good idea to protect your eyes. Make sure the surface is stable, not wobbly, and fire resistant. And have the fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it.
Also recommend keeping pets and children out of the area during actual torching times, to avoid distractions and accidental knockovers.
Because fine silver doesn't form firescale during fusing, there's no need for hot pickle (a mild acid that removes the firescale) or solder and flux. If you fuse sterling silver, you will need those chemicals and acids also, and there are safety precautions to keep in mind when using those that won't be necessary with fusing fine (.999) silver.
Fusing fine silver is fun, magical and the results are wonderful once it is learned. Just a little safety and focus on protection is worth enjoying the experience to the maximum.
Next topic ... just what is all that equipment and how is it used - Interested?