I'm still working my way through the fused dichroic glass faux gems I made a week or two ago. I want to combine them with the cast pewter, to create emblems and medallions that resemble antiques or old jewelry you might find in a flea market stall.
This piece has a coppertoned design at the bottom I made up in cast pewter, with a floral and wing design, attached to an upsurging loop design.
If this emblem is attached with jump rings or wire wrapped beads to a chain or silk cord, I think it would look very delicate and sweeping. I wanted it to have the feeling of a tendril from a vine, or a twig from a flowering tree, reaching up to the light.
The dichroic fused glass has a beautiful blue wavy color, it shimmers and shines in the light, so pretty.
I'm going to attach it to some chain and try wearing it for a day or so, to make sure it's balanced and just the right shape. I think it would also be pretty and have nice movement if I added some more of the oval shaped chain links , might try that too and see which is better.
There's daily construction at my work office on the floor just beneath where I sit, all day there is drilling and hammering that rebounds with loud sounds through the floor. My head feels like a shaken snow globe, all the little bits flying in all directions! I almost bought a new and slightly larger suitcase for the upcoming trip, a goldenrod color. I may still go back and get it, my old roller bag is getting really worn out. I'm excited and weary at the same time, how can I hold both of those at one time? And I really feel the need for vacation, relaxation and some time off. My head feels full of cottonwool, like a dandilion head just before you blow off all the seeds!~
I've been so busy that I haven't been by to look.... this piece is GORGEOUS! I am loving your combination of castings and fused glass... my two favorite materials... metal & glass!
I am wishing for you moments of peace....and quiet. I think that blue with the copper is fantastic! I thought at first that it was some sort of scarab beetle. Very pretty indeed! Enjoy the day! Erin
So pretty! I love the blue and copper colors! The "arms" are fantastic!
love the blue and copper colors together! Honestly I'm thinking that we should all get off work when there is construction :) Last job I endured 2 buildings and a streetcar track being constructed. It's enough to make you go a little crazy.
Finished my charms for the swap, and loved to send them to you. Email me with your address!
Thank you, Beth Ann! I love glass too, there's nothing with that same beauty and shine.
Erin, believe it or not, right after the drilling and hammering they had a fire drill. My ears, oh my ears! what a day.
Beth, I sent you an update - this is going to be fun!
Tomorrow I'm thinking of bringing earplugs in self defense!
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